The Alley…[a new day at the Friday Fictioneers]

The alley to your heart is lonely

With many graffiti of yore lovers on but sides

Some wrote at the entrance

Promises of a lifetime together

They still walked on anyways

Others proclaimed a mission to serve

But were never at your service either ways

I won’t blot on the parchment of your soul

Forgive my impertinence; yield a portion of you to me

I am not gonna walk through this alley

No, I won’t: lest I become like others

Having a need to forgo

I mount guard at the post to your heart

Watchful for you and your needs

The alley to your heart is lonely

With many graffiti of lovers of yore!

***I am very pleased to make it to the gang this week***

This story is a contribution to the Friday Fictioneers at Madison Woods‘ blog. Where a crush of writers are inspired by a photo prompt to express a story in 100 words. Please, click to find other stories.

36 thoughts on “The Alley…[a new day at the Friday Fictioneers]”

  1. Dear Charles,

    Welcome once more to the Friday gang. You are in a mood for poetry of late. Better you than me. This one feels hurried, but then, perhaps there’s a lot of traffic down the alley to her heart.



  2. Sure, Dough, just did it after reading yours…in fact i got the photo prompt from your story…Really, i hide under poetry whenever a story is not near but you got me there, I am a pretending poet as ever, hahaha!
    Thanks for being here, again!

  3. No, but Charles, this is wonderfully written. Very beautiful and powerful. Just a minor typo: ‘Forgive my impenitence;’ I think the word is impertinence. Or? 🙂 Mine will be out tomorrow.

    1. Really, glad you liked it (even though it was done in fifteen minutes!) Well, I should change the word, though i wanted to use ‘un-sorry’ anyway. But, now i think your suggestion is good enough! Thanks!

  4. Very nice! Your poem even had a lonely feeling to it. The alley does look lonely too, which is a crazy thing since there are so many footsteps through there.

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