Tag Archives: Haiku

Iron Wall

Caught in the middle of it all

Barred from my village by this wall

Unity our virtue, given a great fall


Stranger what brought you here?

Don’t cross, so you don’t ere

Boy: Look, and see my scar


They didn’t come cowing around

I’v got my own share on this ground

Tell: Bismarck was here, roaming this wall’s surround.


Dear Writerly Pals, I couldn’t do a story today because of a saddening news I heard yesterday but I came up with this form of Haiku –let me know what you think of it, anyway. Thanks!

This story is a contribution to the Friday Fictioneers at Madison Woods‘ blog. Where a crush of writers are inspired by her photo prompt to express a story in 100 words. Please, click to find other stories.